Bushwood Antiques

We are open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm and 10am to 4pm Saturday.
Please phone 01582 794700 or  07802 631352   or email  antiques@bushwood.co.uk
Address: Stags End. Gaddesden Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 6HN
Bushwood have one of the largest stocks of antique furniture in the country.
We are closed on Bank Holidays.

Bronze Figure of a Harlequin, France, 1960


DATE 1965
DESCRIPTION A decorative bronze standing harlequin figure posing with his arms folded and looking amused.
The whole on a square slatted base.
In the manor of Charles Rene de Paul de Saint Mareause.
DIMENSIONS 67 cm high
25 cm wide
253 cm deep
PRICE £1,150.00
SKU 5044 Category